Case Report

Modified palliative biliary stenting in situs inversus totalis patient with carcinoma gallbladder: feasibility and technical details

Nishant Gupta, Pradeep Goyal, Itisha Bansal, Shuo Li, Yogesh Kumar, Sanjay S. Baijal


Knowledge of the anatomical variants is essential for all invasive hepatobiliary procedures such as endoscopy, surgery and radiologic interventions. Modification in standard therapeutic interventions may be required based on variant anatomy. We report a technical modification in a 75-year-old female with known situs inversus (SI) totalis with carcinoma gallbladder. Present case highlights the finer technical details of the modified percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) procedure and biliary stenting in a SI patient with carcinoma gallbladder causing malignant biliary obstruction.

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